Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Increase Your Vertical LeapThe best vertical jump program will provide you with exercises that will build muscle and train your body for vertical explosion.

Vertical explosion is your bodies ability to use your quickness, strength, and fast twitch muscles to get you up off the ground.

Any program can be effective, if done right.

Doing 5 proper reps is more effective than doing 20 reps the wrong way.

Each exercise should be done as explosively as possible. This will let your body and muscles know that you are trying to get higher.

Remember to always STRETCH and WARM UP before and after doing any of these exercises from the best vertical jump program.

The best method that I have found to warm up is:

Jump rope for 3 to 5 minutes. It will get your blood flowing and muscles ready.

Okay here is the exercises from the best vertical jump program.

Complete the following exercises on Monday-Wednesday-Friday.

EXERCISE 1 BURNOUTS: Burnouts focus on working the upper section of your calf muscles to develop explosive leaping ability. Along with your calf muscles burnouts will strengthen and tone your core and upper body as well. You can guarantee that you will see an amazing improvement in your vertical leaping ability, and your acceleration as well with this exercises from the best vertical jump program.

  • Step 1: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides.
  • Step 2: Raise up on to your tip-toes as high as you can until you feel the top of your calves engaged.
  • Step 3: Jump three to four inches in the air.
  • Step 4: As soon as you land hop back up as soon as possible minimizing the time your feet or on the ground.
  • Step 5: After you do 25 of these that is 1 set. Do 3 sets.

EXERCISE 2 SQUAT HOPS: Squat hops are one of the best exercises for developing that explosive leaping ability off of two feet that you need to perform those monster two handed dunks. The best vertical jump program will include squat hops because your vertical leap, your acceleration, and also your agility should all see improvement from this exercise. Squat hops work all the muscle and conditioning you need to play better basketball.

  • Step 1: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower yourself into a low squat position, with your back straight and feet fully on the floor.
  • Step 2: Raise onto your toes and jump 2 or 3 inches into the air while staying in the squat position and keep it continuous
  • Step 3: Leap out of your squat position on the final rep, exploding as high as you can into the air.
  • Step 4: Do 25 of these that is 1 set. Do 3 sets.

EXERCISE 3 STEP UPS: Step ups unlike burnouts are great for developing the explosive leaping ability that you need off of one leg. If you jump off of one leg or two, step ups must fit into your workout routine. It would not be the best vertical jump program with them. Along with toning your muscles in your legs step ups also help with the explosiveness that is needed on the basketball court.

  • Step 1: Stand in front a chair box or bench so that you can thrust yourself in the air with 1 leg.
  • Step 2: Raise your right foot onto the chair seat with your left foot on the floor.
  • Step 3: Thrust yourself as explosively as possible into the air with your right foot..
  • Step 4: Switch legs mid air and land with your left foot on the chair and left foot on the floor.
  • Step 5: Do step 3 with your left leg this time and switch mid air again.
  • Step 6: After each leg is done that is a set. Do 30 of these. Do 3 sets.

You can start gaining inches on your vertical today with these exercises from the best vertical jump program alone.
The best choice would be to combine these exercises with The Jump Manual and really take your vertical to the next level.

To read more about The Jump Manual and to see pictures and diagrams of exactly how to do each exercise.

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